Saturday, January 26, 2008

Digging Rabbit

This video is of our rabbit, BB (aka BabyBunny/BitchyBunny) digging in a flower bed last March. She was sure busy, the sound is just of me laughing and talking a bit with my oldest son, nothing interesting. A day or two later we measured the tunnel BB dug and it was 13 feet! Amazing! We lost her at one point and discovered the entrance to the tunnel was filled in. We dug it out as we were afraid she was in it and sure enough she was. We got to watching and the other rabbit would fill in the entrance when BB was in it digging!!!! We finally filled it in so she wouldn't get hurt. Now BB just digs tunnels here and there but not nearly as long nor as deep. It's really funny to watch her "bulldoze" the dirt away with her front feet. When the weather is nice we put them out back. Though we do have to check on them as we've seen the neighbors cats watching, although I've noticed the birds do a good job of keeping the neighbors cats out of the back yard, but they let our cat back there; go figure!

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