Saturday, June 6, 2009

Where I iz !!!!

9-1-1 What's your emergency?

I nedz an offizer here

Where are you?


Where do you need an officer?

Where I iz

Where iz here?


Orange what? What is the house number?

Don't know...

(sheesh!) Do you live there?


You don't know your house number?


Okay, step outside and off your porch....... have you done that?


Now, turn around an look just below the roof, but above the door way, is there a number?


Good, read me the numbers....


Alright, you live at 1425 Orange, is that north or south? ( hate asking all these questions to people who dont know where they live!!!)


Why do you need an officer? (by now I'm 3 minutes into the call, a call shouldn't last more than 1-2 unless something like a robbery, home invasion, ect is going on)

'Cause I want this mot#%r f@*king bi!&h outa ma house!

What's going on?

She won't leave

We'll get an officer started that way....sir has anyone in the house been drinking tonight?

Ya, been smoking crack too.

Sir are there any weapons in the house?


Do you have any on you right now?


Sir, I need for you to go back in the house, put the weapon on the t.v.... are there children in the house?


(thank god!)

Put the gun on the t.v. and then step outside and wait for an officer....


Sir, have you put the gun on the t.v.?


Are you back outside?


Sir do you see our officers that have turned on to your street?


Sir go talk to them, they know you have the gun in the house, DO NOT GO BACK IN UNTIL YOU HAVE TALKED TO THEM, DO YOU UNDERSTAND?


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Can you say "ouch"?!?!?

I returned to work today for the first time in nearly a week... Last Tuesday I had to go to the periodontist to have some areas in my mouth looked at. It seems that I grind my teeth (yeah like that's a big surprise! We've known that for a long time) and I am slowly a little at a time fracturing my lower jaw....and as it heals it pushes the bone fragments out through the gum. Yeah, like that only hurts a little..... it really hurt when the bone fragments are still attached and actually come through the gum and start really irritating the tongue....

This was fixed by grinding down the exposed bone, sending me home with an antibiotic and pain killers...... Not real happy as I will have to go back several times to have more areas taken care of....

The only word I have to say is, OOOUUUCCCHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!