Tuesday, November 25, 2008

All Moved In

Daniel and I are all moved in. We got moved in on the 8th but it took a few days to get everything unpacked and setup. We had a lot of help from my parents and some friends, Debbie and Brad & their kids.

Here are a few pictures of our new place.

This is the front of the house.

A view from the front door.

My room, it's small but I like it that way. It's a cozy retreat, I love it. I bought really comfortable beds for Dan and I. I won't show you his room as it's a total mess! LOL

This is a view into the kitchen from the living room. There are lots of cabinets, I even have empty shelves! And an empty drawer LOL

This is the dining area. The double windows look out over the back yard. We have several trees, I'm putting up bird feeders so Petey (the cat) has something to keep him occupied. Joy scared off the squirrels in a pretty short period of time. They must be smarter than the ones in Jacksonville! LOL

These next pictures are of my craft area. I knew I had lots of stuff but I didn't realize I had so much until I went to put it away!

The area off to the right of the picture below is what I call the "alcove" and it has the buffet that now houses a computer, routers, wireless printer and telephone. The drawers and doors have all my desk supplies, computer CD's, ect. Across from there is the back door, the rabbit cage.

The door you see in the picture below goes to the laundry room. And as you can see to the left is the guinea pig cage. The craft area is a bit messy but I had cards I finally finished for a card swap, the box you see is for packing up Nick a Christmas box. I'll put the little Christmas tree that can be seen in the pictures above, along with the decorations, lights, tree skirt, and candy canes. I want to get that out to him tomorrow so he can have a Christmas tree in his bunk area.

The back yard. It's really big, has a shed that's wired with electricity.

Joy is enjoying the back yard, though she's yawning in the picture. I'll bet it's really pretty when everything is green.

We are thoroughly enjoying the new house. We will be having an open house next month.


Scraplin said...

Thanks for the tour of your new home! It looks to be really cozy and I love your craft room!

Lynne said...

I just love your new place. Thanks so much for posting pictures cuz you know if I lived close I'd have already been over with a cake and snooped around!

Kenda said...

You ladies are welcome anytime, especially if you bring a cake! (Hint hint Lynne!) LOL I'd love to have friends come in and visit.

Crystal Ware said...

It looks great!!! I am so glad you are enjoying it. =D

Anonymous said...

Very nice house. Thanks for the tour. I'm sure you will enjoy it very much.

Unknown said...

Ah it's so nice to be able to see where you are living now! It looks wonderful and you've certainly mane it a cozy home! I wish I lived closer and could just drop in for the afternoon!